Home Care for COPD

Our healthcare professionals can be a source of encouragement and support as your loved one makes the lifestyle changes they need to breathe easier and live a higher-quality of life.

Helping COPD Patients Breathe Easier

An enjoyable life is possible after a COPD diagnosis. Although there is no cure for COPD, there are many changes your loved one can make that can relieve symptoms and keep the disease from getting worse. With combined expertise in COPD home treatment and chronic disease management, our team of healthcare professionals can serve as an extension of your loved one’s medical team and emotional support system by providing a personalized nursing care plan for COPD.


What is COPD?

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a group of lung diseases that worsen over time, especially in people who continue smoking — the leading cause of the disease. In people who have COPD, the lungs are damaged, and the passages that carry air in and out of the lungs are partially blocked, making it hard to breathe. Most people who have COPD have a combination of the two conditions that form the disease:

  • Chronic bronchitis, a long-term cough with mucus, which can further block the narrowed airways
  • Emphysema, the deterioration of the lungs over time, which makes it more difficult for the surface area there to exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide

Your Partner & Guide in Managing COPD

Interim HealthCare has extensive expertise in helping individuals and their families live with COPD. In addition to transitioning home after a hospital stay, we can also work with your loved one, their physician, and family members to customize a program that:

  • Improves the quality of air they breathe at home
  • Eliminates COPD triggers from their environment
  • Reminds them to take their medication at scheduled times
  • Ensures they are using their inhaler properly
  • Assists with prescribed oxygen when needed
  • Prepares meals that comply with their prescribed diet
  • Participates in approved exercises with them
  • Organizes their home for easier access to items needed
  • Encourages rest to conserve energy for daily tasks
  • Reports early signs of a flare-up to their doctor
  • Leads them in breathing exercises when they are anxious
  • Assists with daily tasks that deplete their energy
  • Ensures prescriptions are refilled when needed
  • Documents their condition for their physician
  • Keeps scheduled doctor appointments
  • Encourages them in all aspects of COPD self-care
  • Supports them in their effort to quit smoking

Home-based Nursing Care for COPD

Since 1966, we’ve been a trusted source of COPD nursing care to individuals at home. We understand the fears and challenges associated with the disease, and we know that, with personalized care, individuals with COPD can go on to experience a quality life. From helping understand triggers and causes to assisting with daily tasks to COPD palliative care, we’re proud to support your loved one in their journey to better health.